Mittwoch, 01.05.2024 23:14 Uhr

After lockdown, Cibus Forum

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 20.09.2020, 12:14 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Wirtschaft und Finanzen +++ Bericht 5835x gelesen

Rome [ENA] For the first time after lockdown, Cibus Forum in Parma, Italy,has gathered together the main players in the agrifood sector. The attendance has been of over 1000 operators a day and about 3000 streaming viewers, many of whom foreign buyers, not to mention the over 50 players in the agri-food sector who have spoken from the stage. Joint reflection has identified the following concepts: lockdown has led consumers

to a better understanding of the value of food and the work behind it, therefore it is needed  to insist on the promotion of Italian food; to define support measures for the Ho.Re.Ca sector and in particular for restaurateurs, who are the great teachers of quality food in Italy and in the world. Innovation combines the history of local areas with new technologies, therefore ancient traditions, drones in agriculture and compostable packaging.

It was a beautiful landscape of polycentric innovation, and therefore suited to the eclectic Italian talent. The next event is Cibus 2021, which will ‪start on May 4th‬ and will be the first major European food fair after lockdown. The new products of 50 top italian food companies have been exibited in the Innovation Area. The Forum has been held at the Fiere di Parma exhibition centre, in a pavilion that in light of Covid-19 was restructured specifically to host a limited number of guests and key speakers in a safe way and in compliance with the most advanced safety & security standards. Cibus Forum has also been streamed live on 16th September.

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