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A Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 12.05.2020, 17:26 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Reise & Tourismus +++ Bericht 10244x gelesen

Rome [ENA] Tourism is an economic powerhouse and one of the main pillars sustaining global growth and development. It represents 30% of the world’s exports of services and 1 in every 10 jobs worldwide. On the socio-economic front, a global recession, with the loss of millions of jobs is looming. In Italy tourism’s contribution is multi-layered and cross-sectoral and is essential because it employs an estimated 4.2 million

Italians - just under a fifth of the entire official workforce. Italy's tourist sector is registering its worst crisis in recent history and it is facing an unprecedented global health crisis, the repercussions of which are being felt in all sectors of society and the economy. The closing down of entire cities and countries, travel restrictions and bans have brought the tourism and transport sectors to a standstill. From the biggest airline to the smallest hotel in a rural community, the sector has been halted. The impact is economic as it is social, affecting the livelihoods of tourism and transport workers and suppliers, as well as their families and whole communities. On the other hand, Health institutions and governments worldwide are

doing their utmost to combat COVID-19. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has published a Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package to offer guidance to Member States in response to COVID-19. The package is structured around three main pillars: economic recovery, marketing and promotion and institutional strengthening and resilience building. With tourism among the hardest-hit of all sectors, UNWTO has identified three possible scenarios for the months ahead. Depending on when restrictions on travel are lifted, international tourist arrivals could decline by 60-80% in 2020. This could translate into a decline in export revenues from tourism of between US$910 billion to US$1.2 trillion and place 100-120 million jobs directly

at risk. The social ripple effect is also feared to be at least equally challenging for many societies the world over. UNWTO must support the tourism sector now with real actions while preparing for it to come back and be stronger and more sustainable Against this backdrop, the COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package is designed to support governments, the private sector and donor agencies face this unprecedented socio-economic emergency. UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili declared: “We must support the tourism sector now with real actions while we prepare for it to come back and be stronger and more sustainable. Recovery plans and programmes for tourism will translate into jobs and economic growth,

not just within tourism itself but across the whole of societies. This package of support will help governments and business implement our Recommendations for Recovery” Alongside the set of recommendations already published by UNWTO to call for action to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID and endorsed by the UNWTO Global Tourism Crisis Committee, the package identified three potential areas of intervention to accelerate the recovery of tourism: economic, promotional and institutional. The COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package makes the case for policies and measures to be introduced to stimulate the economic recovery of the tourism sector.

These should be presented with the development of impact needs assessments and country-specific plans for tourism recovery, among other measures. In terms of marketing and promotion, UNWTO stands ready to provide technical assistance to detect markets that can help accelerate recovery, addressing product diversification, and (re)formulating marketing strategies and promotional activities. The third pillar, institutional strengthening and resilience building, is particularly aimed at enhancing public-private partnership and promoting collaborative efforts for tourism recovery, and, enhancing skills in crisis management and recovery.

The technical support offered by UNWTO is designed to help Members work towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Several of these Goals directly relate to tourism, most notably the SDGs 8, 12 and 17, on ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’, ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’, and ‘Partnerships for the Goals’. UNWTO is also acting as part of the wider UN response to COVID-19, highlighting the role tourism can play in shielding developing countries and the most vulnerable members of society from the worst impacts of the current crisis.

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